Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Winds of Change - Film Trailer

"The Winds of Change" Film Trailer from Adonai Films. This is a short documentary film that was centered around Chuck Pierce's prophetic word released in Houston back on April 13, 2008 about "the approaching winds" that would stir the Houston and surrounding regions".
Much of the film documentary was filmed along the upper coast lines on location in the Texas coastline Counties of Galveston, Orange, Oak Island, Anuahac, and Bolivar Island Texas. Evangelist Bill Henderson (The Pastor of Disaster) Henderson International Ministries along with Friendships Ministries in Lake Charles played key role in the film by reaching and providing disaster relief efforts to thousands of families in the surrounding areas that were devastated by the massive winds of Hurricane Ike.
In late October Bill went to Galveston, Texas as a representative of TBN'S “Smile of a Child” Ministries and with Don & Sandra Tipton, of Friendships Ministries. Bill was on Galveston Island for 25 days & was honored to help feed the homeless & unload pallets of commodities for the victims of Hurricane Ike. Along with Friendships Ministries, Bill Henderson passed out approx 1500 gospel tracks dailey & followed up with a message while the people ate their food.
During the film production we saw hundreds give their lives to Jesus! The documentary film will is expected to premiere in March 2009. Directed by Mike Mireles, who is a Ladino filmmaker in Houston Texas.

To View Film Trailer, Just Click on The Link Below

"Picking Up The Pieces" - Music Video

Christian Gospel Recording Artist Mary Anne Henderson, Performs her latest hit song "Picking Up The Pieces" from Henderson International Ministries. The Video is a tribute in honor of the people, families, and businesses who were devastated from Hurricane Ike from Galveston Island and all the upper Texas Gulf Coast regions.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Manna Minute - Springs In The Desert

Disaster Pastor, Brother Bill Henderson, with Henderson International Ministries in Colorado Springs, shares a fresh word today on how The Almighty God of Israel can open up our "Springs in the Desert". Bill Henderson is reporting & ministering in Galveston Texas with Friendship Ministries during Hurricane Ike relief restoration efforts.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Manna Minute - Redeeming The Time

Evangelist Bill Henderson, with Henderson International Ministries, shares a word for the week about Redeeming The Time, while on location in Galveston Texas during the Hurricane Ike Relief efforts.

The Manna Minute - Hope Makes Not Ashamed

Evangelist Bill Henderson, with Henderson International Ministries, shares a word about the scripture today that speaks about the hope that makes not ashamed, while on location in Galveston Texas during the Hurricane Ike Relief efforts with Friendship Ministries.

The Manna Minute - When The Enemy Comes

Evangelist Bill Henderson, with Henrson International Ministries, shares a word about the scripture that states when the enemy comes in like a flood with the hebrew meaning, while on location in Galveston Texas during the Hurrican Ike Relief efforts.

The Manna Minute - Building Foundations

Sharing a Manna Word From Boliver Island, on East Galveston Texas. Evangelist Bill Henderson, with Henderson International Ministries, shares the importance of building your house on the rock of Jesus, than the sands of the world, while walking through the devastated remains of a surfside beach house torn that had been blown down from the lashing winds of Hurricane Ike.

Update Praise Reports & Photos From Galveston Texas!

Shalom everyone, What a powerful time Bill Henderson is having in Galveston Texas! The reports and miracles are daily and all glory to Jesus! Many volunteers on the ground are saying that they have never seen anointing on the streets like the anointing that Bill walks in. He is in his element! When God places a gift on your life, please take it serious because it does affect others' destiny in this life and throughout eternity.

The following are a few of the wonderful things that have been happening while Bill has been co-laboring with Friendships Ministries, and with his dear friends Don & Sondra Tipton who lead this effective ministry of humanitarian aid. Each day Bill and the team feed between 2,000 and 2,500 people on the battered island of Galveston who are still in great need of support and love.
The feeding line extends over a block long. As the people come and get in line to eat, Bill passes out approximately 1,500 tracks each day and asks each one if there is anything he can pray with them about. He has earned the name by all there "Disaster Pastor Bill".
Every 15 minutes he follows up while the people eat with a quick message and an opportunity for the people to give their lives to Jesus. Each time at least 80% of the hands of these precious people are raised in surrender to Jesus.

One lady from the Island named Leticia,
had not seen her kids for over a month. They had been displaced in the Hurricane. Bill prayed with her that she would have a miracle within 24 hours and by the end of the day she got word where they were. A true miracle!

Another man, Joey, accepted Jesus, got baptized and now comes daily to help the rest of the team of volunteers. Another man came to Bill and told him that his fiancé was in an accident and was in a coma. Bill prayed with the man and that same day the woman came out of the coma! Stories come in daily of men whom Bill has prayed for that needed jobs, and one by one they have come to Bill with praise reports of jobs and more jobs.

Yesterday Bill and his filmmaker friend, Mike Mireles from Houston were given clearance by a FEMA official to enter to Boliver Island that had been totally destroyed. They rode the Island Ferry and packed up the rental car with water and food, not knowing what to expect. You see, this was the first time anyone had been back to the island since Hurricane Ike. Only those with clearance or who evacuated were allowed back. The stench of death pervaded the air on the island. Bodies were found 50 miles away of those who did not leave the island.

As they drove around the island to pick a spot to distribute the food and water, Bill saw a man in a cemetery walking around seemingly dazed. Bill asked the man if he could help him and the man said "Yes!" He went on to tell Bill that his parents were buried there and he could not find their tombstones. As they walked the man yelled out "Here they are." Bill approached the stones that were sitting among debris and filth. It took all of their strength to lift the stones and return them to the area of the graves. This man cried and was so touched that he allowed Bill to pray with him and accepted Jesus right there on the spot! He later told Bill that he could not have lifted those tombstones alone!

They were only allowed on the island for a few hours. Before they left to return to the campsite to feed more people, pass out tracks and preach,
Brother Bill prayed for an atheist who was open only after Bill asked the man why he was mad at a God he did not believe in.
Bill went on to explain the plan of salvation, and how that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but that Jesus came that we might have life. What a powerful time they had as Bill called to tell me of the openness and vulnerability of these precious people but how that God was using it to make an entrance into their lives for all eternity.

There were mothers that had no food for their babies or no water at all. As they left Bill had turned back to see a woman scarfing down the food and water as if she had not eaten in days. Back in Galveston, the people are sleeping on the streets at night, next to their missing homes. Only concrete slabs remain where there once were homes but we know that through the efforts of these volunteers from around the U.S. lives will forever be changed.

We want to thank our Lord Jesus first of all for his grace, mercy and strength that he has given to Bill the 24 days he has been gone before he returns home this Saturday. It has only been a few months since his near fatal motorcycle accident. The doctors are still amazed at his recovery but we know who to give all the credit to!

We also want to take this time out to thank all of you who have prayed and given towards this worthy cause. Your gifts mean so much and we know that right now in the middle of uncertain times, your continued support will bring the blessings of heaven into your own personal lives. Eph 6:8 says that what we make happen for others, God makes happen for us. It is true.

In closing, none of this would have been possible without the love, call and commission of Jan Crouch and "Smile of a Child" Ministries. This woman has a heart of gold and her compassion is genuine and pure. Thank you precious Jan Crouch.

Please visit our website: for upcoming information of future outreaches around the world and here in the U.S.

Also please visit for more coverage of this outreach. Special love and thanks to our dear friends, Don and Sondra Tipton for their love and accommodations in this effort. We are careful not to solicit funds but we do want to let you know of the needs we have as a ministry. We depend on you, our precious friends, family and partners to keep this ministry going and we promise that Jesus will get all the glory!

If you can help us today with the ongoing expenses of this ministry, please go to our website for info on how to give. Let us also know how we can pray for you and we will believe for a breakthrough and miracles for you too!
In His everlasting love,
Mary Ann Henderson

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Myanmar Report

In May, Bill received word that he was invited to travel to Myanmar as part of a Disaster Relief Recon Team. As you may have read by now the death toll due to the severity of the cyclone was 100,000 people. The country of Myanmar cracked open it's doors, and let workers come in. After coming back from Myanmar, we also fed the homeless in Los Angeles CA after Berma, We co-labored with Street Wise Ministry, and Bill is currently has been in Galveston Island Texas a month for the Hurricane Ike. Many Souls coming to the lord and many prayers are being answered. Everyday we are feeding between 1-2000 meals per day in our co-laboring with Friendships Ministries and Other local ministry outreaches.

Please pray about becoming a partner with a purpose for these many souls . As the word of God says "The fields are ripe for harvest, but the laborers are few, how about you! Every soul we win, so do you as a ministry partner!

We encourage you to read daily, the awesome testmonials of answered prayers.

Welcome To Our New Ministry Blog

Shalom, and We Welcome you to our new Henderson International World Wide Ministry Blog. Our outreach ministry is muli-facet highway and byway equipping the saints. We minister in churches, conferences, seminars, concerts, and most important outreaches to the lost and dying world. We teach, equip and train in the local churches and then take them to the street, this results in church growth and fullfills the great commision, the goal of the church is evangelism, then discipleship, the multiplication, over one hundred people a minute die, and most go into enternity without the lord. Our ministry goal is to change those statistics. We are recognized as an evangelistic, apostalic and prophetic ministry.